Our College Crest and Ideals
College Crest
The College crest includes a star, representing Our Lady, Star of the Sea, and the sun, representing the glory of heaven, the Trinity, towards which she guides us. In another sense, the star and sun illustrate the aim of education to lead the child, in the words of St Paul the Apostle, ‘from darkness to light’.
The lion figuratively represents the faith, courage and manliness of St Leo, who went forth from Rome, with the cross as his standard and defence to plead with Attila the Hun to spare the eternal city and its people. By the force of his personality, he succeeded where others had failed.
College Motto
Our College Motto is ‘Lex Dei in Corde‘ meaning ‘God’s law in the heart‘.
Taken from the Mass of St Leo, it calls us to follow God’s law, witnessed by Christ, to ‘love one another as I have loved you’. Taking Jesus as our model, we respect the human dignity of each member of our community, and those who come into contact with it, and offer everything we do to the glory of God.
College Mission
‘With Christ as our light, forming confident, competent, Catholic-valued women and men of conscience, nourished with a loving, inclusive and welcoming community of grace.’
College Values
The College Mission statement is framed by a Christ centred charism. This charism model recognises that Jesus is our centre and that our greatness stems from this profound belief.
Framed by Mary as the ‘way to Christ’, four core College values ripple outwards in the shape of the cross – Prayer, Scripture, Service and Community. These ripples extend further as these values merge.
The fruit of community and prayer is faith.
The fruit of prayer and service is Agape (sacrificial love).
The fruit of service and scripture is social justice.
The fruit of scripture and community is courageous learning – a learning that is life long that seeks the immensity of the divine.
Such principles form the hallmarks of the St Leo’s family and guides all activity within our community.
Such activity is informed by the theological writings of Pope St Leo the Great.