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Study & Careers Information
Choosing future study and career pathways during or after school is not always easy, so we want to support our students and parents as much as we can. We have a range of information available for you to browse through, but are always available to help in person too.

Take a look through some of your areas of interest:

Subjects at School & Related Careers 
Good at a particular subject but stuck for related career ideas? Here is a great place to start. These Career Ladders show you plenty of options for different career opportunities based on your subject interests.

Career & Study Videos
So you have some career ideas but want to learn more about an industry? Discover and learn more about different industries, job opportunities, study pathways and what skills are needed to work in each industry.

Apprenticeships & Traineeships
Apprenticeships and traineeships combine work-based training with an employer and formal training with a registered training provider. A great way to be paid to work, learn and earn a qualification all at the same time.

Australian Defence Force
Study a world-class degree in a huge range of subjects whilst receiving military and leadership training. Earn a salary while learning, and graduate with a rewarding job and no HELP debt.

Get that Job!
Keen to land a job (part-time or full-time) but don’t know where to start? Learn how to write a good resume, covering letter and how to prepare yourself for a job interview.

GAP Year Options
Planning on taking a GAP year after school? Discover all the different GAP year opportunities on offer and combine working and travelling abroad.

School Based Apprenticeships (SBATs)
A School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship is a combination of paid work, a recognized national qualification and attending high school at the same time. Plus you will gain credit towards your HSC as well. There are Apprenticeships and Traineeships that contribute towards an ATAR.

Tertiary Education Providers
Find a non-university post school option that suits you and download the course guides.

University Admission Centre (UAC)

Find a University (Undergraduate) course that suits you and sparks your passion. You can download all the different course guides here and learn more about the available scholarship options.


Do you have further career or study questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
Mr Justin Slowey – Leader of Pathways & Partnerships (onsite Wed/Thu)
Ms Melissa Duff– Careers Advisor/VET Co-ordinator