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Information & Resources
Remote (Home-Based) Learning at St Leo’s

St Leo’s is proud to have led the way with an innovative and engaging online learning model when schools were forced into online lessons in 2020 (see Remote Learning 2020 video). With the NSW Government mandate that schools return to remote learning for the start of Term 3 2021, St Leo’s was in an excellent position to resume online learning with a range of well-developed processes and materials available for students and parents/carers.

Returning to Campus – Weeks 3-4 2021
Remote Learning Term 3-4 2021 – Key Communications

Below are copies of the key communications regarding remote learning sent to all students and parents/carers via Compass email since the NSW Government announcement for your reference:

Remote Learning 2021 – Relevant Policies and Procedures

St Leo’s last year developed a comprehensive set of policies and guidelines to ensure our Remote Learning is consistent and of the highest standard which have been updated for the current remote learning period:

Help and Support Services

At this particularly difficult time, it is especially important for students and families to know there are a range of support services available through the College and outside to help:

  • Contact a teacher, your Mentor teacher, the Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing or the College Counsellor for help or to just talk
  • 24hr telephone support and online chat services are also available from:
    Kids Helpline (ages 5-25) – 1800 551 800
    Lifeline – 13 11 14
    Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636
Other Resources
By Growth Domain

As well as preparing class work, our teachers have put in a enormous effort creating and sourcing outstanding online resources for our students during their time learning remotely, also summarised below for easy access.

New Resources:
Academic Domain:

Library Resources

Social/Emotional Domain:

Mental Health & Wellbeing Articles

Ideas for Staying Active and Positive

A range of ideas to help keep students (and adults) healthy, happy and strong, looking after themselves and others at home – based around the St Leo’s Growth Domains and Deep Learning Skills (6Cs).

Mindfulness Activities

Spiritual Domain:

Spiritual Services/Activities

Physical Domain:

St Leo’s Online Gym

Keep active at home with our ‘Online Gym’ videos from last year, courtesy of our Sports team:

Creative Domain:

St Leo’s Listening Calendars

Our CAPA team developed listening calendars for the month of May 2020 – one with music from the Classical and Romantic eras and another with Film themes as part of the music curriculum. Click on the icon to link to YouTube and listen to the piece.

Environmental Domain:

Environmental Activities

St Leo's Catholic College

Locked Bag 1007, Wahroonga
16 Woolcott Avenue, Wahroonga NSW 2076
Phone: 02 9487 3555
Email: stleos@dbb.catholic.edu.au