Transport Information

Transport Options
There are a number of options for students arriving at the College, including:
- ‘Kiss and Drop Zone’ at the main entrance to the College in Woolcott Avenue, Wahroonga (Gates A/B)
- Train travel to Waitara station, then a short walk down Yardley Avenue, Waitara (Gate C)
- Train travel to Normanhurst station, then a short walk through to the Unwin Road entrance, Waitara (Gate D)
- ‘Kiss and Drop Zone’ near the Yardley Avenue or Unwin Road Waitara College entrances (Gates C/D)
- Bus to the top of Woolcott Avenue, Wahroonga
- Bus to the bottom of Unwin Road, Waitara (Gate D)
- For senior students driving to the College, limited street parking is available in or around Woolcott Ave, onsite along the driveway from Unwin Road, or street parking outside the Yardley Ave or Unwin Rd entrances.
- The College also has secure bicycle racks for students who ride to campus.
(For more detail, see our Interactive College Map)
Visit the Transport NSW trip planner or use the travel app of your choice to view the best options for your circumstances.
Free public transport (School Opal card) is available to students who live more than 2.0km straight line distance from the College, or at least 2.9km walking. Apply or update your details via the Transport NSW website.