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Enrolment Enquiry Form

Enrolment & Fee Information


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Frequently Asked Questions

How many students attend the College?

St Leo’s currently has just over 1000 students enrolled and is growing. We have received record numbers of enrolment applications over the past few years and the completion of our building program has enabled additional streams of Year 7 intakes to meet demand, however we still have waiting lists for Year 7 and all other year groups, and strongly advise any interested families to complete our Enquiry Form as soon as possible.

Where is St Leo's located?

St Leo’s is a located on six hectares in Wahroonga on Sydney’s Upper North Shore. Just off the M1 Motorway exit and near the Pennant Hills Road and Pacific Highway junction (Pearces Corner), we are only a short walk from both Waitara and Normanhurst train stations.

I/we are not Catholic. Do you take applications from non-Catholics and what are our chances of being accepted?

St Leo’s is very proud to be an inclusive community with students and staff from a wide range of backgrounds, including non-Catholic and non-religious backgrounds. However, what we all share is a commitment to common ‘catholic values’ – as emphasised in our mission statement to develop ‘Catholic-valued’ women and men of conscience.

While we do give priority to students from our CSBB Priority Feeder Schools and students who have made their Catholic sacraments (as per the Enrolment Priorities listed in the CSBB Enrolment Principles), we also warmly welcome applications from students/families with non-Catholic or non-Christian backgrounds. If accepted into St Leo’s however, it is expected that all students fully participate in all College religious activities including the Religious Education Curriculum (7-12), College Masses, camps and retreats, etc. ‘We run a Catholic education College for ALL!’ Find out more in the detailed CSBB Enrolment Principles.

How do I apply?

Simply complete the online CSBB Enquiry form and our Registrar will contact you to discuss availability for the year group you are interested in, answer any questions you have and proceed with enrolling if you wish. Note St Leo’s no longer charges application or acceptance fees. 

When should I apply for Year 7?

The simple answer is ‘as soon as possible’ as we are now receiving applications up to 2036!
For students from our Priority Feeder Schools and other CSBB primary schools: While we do give students from our Priority Feeder primary schools priority entry, we cannot guarantee a place. Places are offered subject to availability and possible enrolment windows, as well as any special needs requirements, so we do require you to complete our Enquiry form to register your intentions and reserve a place as soon as possible, ideally no later than when the student is in Year 3-4.
Generally, all applications should be submitted for Year 7 by Term I when the student is in Year 5, although we will accept applications at any time where places are available. Please complete the Enquiry form and our Registrar will contact you with the latest information for your relevant entry year. Please note that waiting lists currently apply for most year groups.

What are the Fees?

Please see our 2025 Schedule of Fees.
There are also discounts for second and subsequent children throughout our Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) community of schools as outlined, and CSBB staff discounts.
Note also that St Leo’s no longer charges application or acceptance fees.

How much is the uniform?

Please see our uniform price list. School uniforms are available from our uniform supplier, Cowan and Lewis, 1315 Pacific Highway, Turramurra Phone: 9449 9777 Website: cowanlewis.com.au. Second hand uniforms are also available through The Uniform Exchange or sustainableschoolshop.com.au

How would my child travel to school?

There are a number of travel options and entry points depending on where students are coming from (see Location and Maps page).
There are ‘kiss and drop’ zones at the main College entrance in Woolcott Avenue (Gate A) or Windarra Crescent (Gate B), Wahroonga, or at the other College entrances in Yardley Avenue (Gate C) or Unwin Road (Gate D), Waitara.
Most students travel by train to Waitara station then take the short walk down Yardley Ave to Gate C, or from Normanhurst Station to Gate D (Unwin Rd). Some travel by bus to the top of Woolcott Ave, Wahroonga, or to Unwin Rd or Yardley Ave, Waitara.
Free public transport (Opal Cards) are available to students who live more than 2.0km (straight line) or 2.9km (walking) from the College. Application forms available via the Transport NSW website. We also have bike racks for the growing number of students who ride bicycles to school.
See more details on the Transportation Information page.

Is there a waiting list?

Yes, waiting lists currently apply for all year groups. For Year 7, applications far exceed available places each year, so we suggest you apply as soon as possible to be added to the list. Non-Catholic families are welcome to apply and are warmly accepted into the St Leo’s community (see Question 3 above). Positions are offered as vacancies occur.

What subjects are studied?

A wide choice of subjects are available including traditional core academic subjects and a range of Humanities, Creative and Performing Arts, Technology and Applied Studies, PDHPE, Language and Vocational courses. Please visit the Curriculum page for a full list.

What sports are available at St Leo’s?

St Leo’s has a strong and proud reputation in both individual and team sports. We have a wide range of representative and school-based sports on offer including (but not limited to) basketball, football (soccer), rugby union, rugby league, netball, tennis, cricket, volleyball, swimming, softball, athletics, touch football, aerobics, water polo, cross country, surfing, surf lifesaving, biathlon and golf.
Please visit our Sport for Life page for more information about our range of sports programs.

What extracurricular activities do you offer?

Our wide co-curricular program includes opportunities for academic, leadership, careers and pathways, sporting and performing arts and a range of other activities including debating, public speaking, robotics, careers workshops, music tuition, bands, musical performances, drama and dance productions and over 20 extra-curricular CAPA ensembles, Student Leadership, Outdoor Education, Retreats and Duke of Edinburgh programs and Global Experiences among many others. Please visit the Beyond the Classroom page and sections for more information.

Do you have a band?

St Leo’s has a range of bands and musical ensembles to suit all interests and tastes – in fact we currently have over 20 extra-curricular ensembles. Please visit our Creative and Performing Arts page for more information.

Do you take Overseas Students?

Unfortunately we are unable to accept Overseas Students.

What about TAFE and VET options for senior students?

St Leo’s embraces a diversity of student capabilities and interests and offer a range of subjects, including VET and TAFE options for our students. Students of all abilities and interests are also guided by our unique Pathways and Careers Program which assists students and families with choices beyond school. Please visit the curriculum page for more subject information.

Does the College cater for students with special needs?

St Leo’s staff have a strong focus on knowing each student’s academic strengths, challenges and interests. Through this focus and differentiated instruction, the special needs of all students are addressed. St Leo’s is a school community that caters for a wide range of students with individual special needs. We have a completely inclusive school program with integrated support for individual students’ needs. For further information, please contact the College to speak to our Leader of Learning Support.
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