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Latest Enrolment Update!

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ENROLMENT UPDATE – Year 7-12 Enrolments
  • We are currently accepting enrolment applications for YEAR 7 2027 and beyond.
  • Note we are now at WAITLIST ONLY for 2025 and 2026.

Year 7 2025 places and first round offers for Year 7 2026 have been made (as per the Enrolment Priority list in our guiding CSBB Enrolment Principles document). Due to overwhelming demand, there is an extensive waitlist for both 2025 and 2026. Any further offers for 2025 will be made as soon as possible to those on the waitlists as we are advised of changes of circumstances to those given offers. Subsequent round offers for 2026 will be made over the next few months following first round responses and further assessments of applications.

Note, if your child is currently enrolled in a St Leo’s Priority Feeder School or any CSBB (Catholic Schools Broken Bay) primary school, you are eligible for PRIORITY enrolment if your application if received within enrolment windows. For 2026 applications, the priority application window closed on May 1, 2024 (as all Priority Feeder Schools were advised).  If you have not yet applied and would like to be added to the waitlist, you should first complete an Online Enrolment Enquiry Form to notify us of your interest in St Leo’s. The Registrar will then contact you to discuss your situation.

All new enquiries should first complete the CSBB Online Enrolment Enquiry Form. Our Registrar will then contact you within 1-2 school days (during term time) to advise you of the latest information regarding your relevant year group/s. Further enrolment information is outlined on our Enrolments and FAQs pages.

As a general guide, we suggest you complete an online Enrolment Enquiry Form ASAP and complete the enrolment application for your child no later than Years 3 or 4.


We currently have significant waitlists for all year groups for ASAP starts as we are very near maximum capacity. These waiting lists are however constantly evolving as we are advised of changed circumstances, and we contact those next on our waitlists as soon as places become available. We recommend interested families complete our Online Enrolment Enquiry Form in the first instance, and our Registrar will contact you within 1-2 school days (during term time) to discuss your individual situation. Note St Leo’s has no fees for enrolment applications.

Further enrolment information is outlined on our Enrolments and FAQs pages.